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12 Facts That You Don't Know About MARVEL & DC - Ooh That is it, ha. 😲

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Is Deadpool 2 going to suck? Really? πŸ˜• What? 😠

Answer : Suck? Are you sick? How can you even think? Deadpool 2 is the compact compilation of all the trolls, from DC to Marvel, from Batman to Superman, Justin Bieber too. ; [Spoiler Alert] Read More on Deadlool and Marvels  πŸ“–  πŸ‘‰ Deadpool and Batman Meetup (Fight, Fun, Romance, Love) See Here πŸ‘‰ Deadpool 2 is the Best Movie then All Marvel to DC (Here Is Why?) πŸ‘‰ Deadpool 2 Movie Review & Best Scenes πŸ‘‰ BEST MARVEL MOVIES MOMENTS THAT YOU MUST SEE πŸ‘‰ Who is the Most Powerful Superhero in Marvel Movies Ever? The start itself sent the audiences in fits of laughter,  mocking wolverine's death in a musical toy . He didn't waste a moment making fun of the β€œ name of the mother to be Martha ” When Deadpool had the mutant inhibitor around and couldn't heal or had any superpowers, he said,  if he was given a bow and an arrow, he was Hawkeye. He referred to Cable as  the dude with the winter soldier arm. While...

Avengers 4 | what will happen in Infinity War sequel? Plot leaks & cast details

Get Latest Marvel Update in Your Mailbox Free: Delivered by FeedBurner Now that Avengers: Infinity War is out, all fans are turning to the big question of "what's next?" We already know that Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel are both scheduled to come out between Infinity War and Avengers 4 (which still doesn't have an official title). We also know that Joe and Anthony Russo - who directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and Infinity War - are returning for Avengers 4, along with most of Infinity War's cast and crew. Avengers 4 | what will happen in Infinity War sequel? Doctor Strange knew what he was doing and Tony Stark is one of the most important key in winning the war against Thanos. Remember that he specifically said he wouldn't trade Stark and Parker's lives for the time stone but when Thanos stabbed Tony and was about to kill him ,he gave up and after the snap, he told Stark β€œ It...

Can Deadpool Dies? Killed? (Die in 250#)

There is lot of questions asked that,  is deadpool will be die? Why not deadpood died?, what the secret behind this, is gonna die? Is there any way to kill Deadpool?Would Deadpool die if he was thrown into the sun?Is there any way to kill Deadpool?.  Can Deadpool Die? Killed? (Die in 250#) Well this is the character of the Marvel movie that itself  is dead,  so how gonna die..? But but.. We have found some answers on this topic from different-different source maybe can reveal this Deadpool die's question.... However, before we gonna go to answer.  First we gonna take a lookt at, who is Deadpool? πŸ˜‚   why peoples are so crazy 😜 toward him.?.   __________________________________________ WIN MARVEL GIFT FREE HEREπŸ†“ Are you a Marvel Fan,  Yes..  So here is you having a chance to win Marvel Gift. So here is below steps that you have to follow. T&C Apply 1. Read full post,  comment hidden ...